Descriptions Sad Macs, Bombs, and Other Disasters (SAD MACS, BOMBS AND OTHER DISASTERS AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT THEM) book
Even the most loyal Macintosh fan knows that there are many ways in which their Mac can misbehave. When it does , Sad Macs, Bombs and Other Disasters is the book to turn to. At nearly 1000 pages, this book covers just about every problem you are ever likely to encounter with your Macintosh, and many which you will hopefully never run into; for example, no one ever wants to hear their usual start-up chimes replaced by the sound of a digitised car crash!
The Apple Mac has undergone huge changes since the 3rd edition of Sad Macs was published; the 4th edition has been almost completely re-written to cover Mac OS 8 and Mac OS 9 (and even includes a section on Mac OS X), and to include new Mac hardware such as the iMac, iBook and G4 machines. However, users of pre-PowerPC Macs or versions of the Mac OS older than 8.0 will have to refer to previous editions of Sad Macs for help, as these have been dropped from the latest edition in an effort to keep the sheer size of the book manageable!
Sad Macs is broadly divided into three sections. The first of these, Background and Basics, tells you all about the hardware and System software of your Mac and then moves on to preventative maintenance and general strategies for solving problems when you run into them. The second section, Symptoms, Causes and Cures, devotes a chapter to each of the most common areas of Mac problems, such as System errors, printing problems, the Internet and many more besides. Finally, the Disaster Relief section contains 16 "Fix-It" chapters which give you all the details on how to troubleshoot the various aspects of your Mac and solve problems when you find them.
Sad Macs, Bombs and Other Disasters is an essential addition to any Mac user's library. Nowhere will you find such a comprehensive guide to maintaining, troubleshooting and fixing your Mac. --Daniel Jardine, Good Books To Read 2016 .