
Upgrading and Repairing PCs: Field Guide

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Download Upgrading and Repairing PCs: Field Guide

Upgrading and Repairing PCs: Field Guide is a portable, "essentials" version of Upgrading and Repairing PCs, 13th Edition - the bestselling PC hardware book of all-time. Weighing less than half a pound, this tiny book packs a hefty punch - containing the essential information you need to upgrade and repair PCs, whether you're a hardcore pro or a weekend warrior. All of this information fits nicely in your toolkit, briefcase or backpack and be there to rescue you when you're out of your office and away from your trusty copy of Upgrading and Repairing PCs.

  • Use the connector quick reference section to identify most any connector or port you run across while servicing PCs out in the wild!
  • Who says detailed coverage must come in a big package? This diminutive book makes up for its tiny size by providing you with a level of detail that exceeds that found in some bigger (in size and name) competitor books.
  • Hundreds of detailed tables boil down complicated settings, standards and specifications into an easy to read - and easy to find - format.
  • All of this detailed information easily fits in your toolkit, briefcase or book bag-right where you need it!

Upgrading and Repairing PCs: Field Guide is a portable, "essentials" version of Upgrading and Repairing PCs, 13th Edition - the bestselling PC hardware book of all-time. Weighing less than half a pound, this tiny book packs a hefty punch - containing the essential information you need to upgrade and repair PCs, whether you're a hardcore pro or a weekend warrior. All of this information fits nicely in your toolkit, briefcase or backpack and be there to rescue you when you're out of your office and away from your trusty copy of Upgrading and Repairing PCs.

  • Use the connector quick reference section to identify most any connector or port you run across while servicing PCs out in the wild!
  • Who says detailed coverage must come in a big package? This diminutive book makes up for its tiny size by providing you with a level of detail that exceeds that found in some bigger (in size and name) competitor books.
  • Hundreds of detailed tables boil down complicated settings, standards and specifications into an easy to read - and easy to find - format.
  • All of this detailed information easily fits in your toolkit, briefcase or book bag-right where you need it!
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