Descriptions Teach Yourself Visually Complete OS X Mavericks (Teach Yourself VISUALLY (Tech)) book
Paperback. Pub Date :2013-12-23 Pages: 552 Language: English Publisher: Visual A deep dive into OS X Mavericks If you want to quickly cover the basics of Apples new operating system. OS X Mavericks. and then delve deeper into the topic. this is the book for you. Using clear. step-by-step screenshots. Teach Yourself VISUALLY Complete OS X Mavericks shows you how to tackle not only beginning but also intermediate and more advanced functions. Two-page. side-by- side lessons break big topics into smaller bits. and youll find helpful sidebars with plenty of practical tips and tricks. If youre a visual learner looking for enhanced coverage of OS X Mavericks. this new guide has more of what youre looking for. Explains how to use and optimize the newest OS X operating system. Mavericks Covers the basics. then delves deeper into more advanced techniques and tasks Uses succinct explan..., Must Read Books Of All Time .